Categories Select Category Amplifying voices  (9) Analysis  (9) Comment  (2) Criminalisation  (13) Diary of cooperation at sea  (18) Forced to disappear  (6) Interview  (7) Legal fragment  (8) Map  (1) Mobilisation  (30) Political developments  (12) Report  (5) Call for Protest – Sit In – Demonstration In front of the Headquarter of UNHCR 9th…

ECHOES Team – Page 4

1 May After Alarm Phone received and forwarded several distress calls to authorities and NGO‘s, the Geo Barents (Médecins Sans Frontières) is able to rescue 299 people from a huge overcrowded fishing vessel and 36 people from a small fiberglass……

Forced to disappear

This is an introduction article of a series of articles in the next issues of Echoes aiming to explain the different problems that are faced by families in the process of searching for their loved ones, the deficient current system……

Political developments

In Germany, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has presented a draft law which, among other things, could penalize sea rescue with up to 10 years in prison. The paragraph is embedded in further tightening of asylum law. This must……

ECHOES Team – Page 9

Call for Protest – Sit In – Demonstration In front of the Headquarter of UNHCR 9th & 10th of December 2022 One year ago, thousands of refugees had been protesting for more than 100 days in front of the UNHCR……


A new way of “managing” arrivals and the violation of refugee rights at the southern EU border A few days after the Cutro massacre, the Italian government gathered all its ministers in the Calabrian village for an “extraordinary” council of…