CommemorActions 2025
World day of action against the border death regime and to demand truth, justice and reparations for migration victims and their families On February 6, 2024, a major transnational mobilization marked the 10th anniversary of Commemor-Action. On February 6, 2025,…
Call to Action: Free Movement! Open Borders. End Deaths.
10 Years after the Summer of Migration – First Invitation for a Transnational Chain of Actions culminating in September 2025 version française ci-dessousarabic version belowdeutsche Version weiter untenVersión en español abajo EN- 10 Years after the Summer of Migration –…
“Flows decree” approved in Italian senate: punitive approach towards distressed
Civil society organizations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean express strong concern over yet another attempt by the Italian government to punish assistance to people in distress at sea and to criminalize NGOs. Picture: Wanda…
The Italy-Albania Protocol is a failure from every perspective!
The manifest of Network Against Migrant Detention Despite the decision of the Italian government to suspend the deportation of migrant people to Albania, we as Network Against Migrant Detention have decided to stick to our mobilization on December 1 and…
El Hiblu 3: New website, touching video and Court session on 22.01.2025
A few days before yet another court hearing on 6th of November in Valletta, the Coalition for the El Hiblu 3 – a coalition of groups and individuals in Malta and beyond who demand dropping charges against Abdalla, Amara, and…
The Salvini trial
After three years of proceedings, involving 24 hearings and the testimony of 45 witnesses, the trial of Matteo Salvini in Palermo, for his role in the Open Arms case, reached its conclusion on December 20. The sentencing took place at…
Detention, illegalisation and the so-called CEAS reform in southern Italy
Monitoring the situation of refugees in the light of the European migration pact “In September 2024, our new project began, carried out by the organisations borderline-europe and Maldusa, managed by the Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration, and supported by the Protestant…