During last few weeks, Refugees in Libya (RiL) and the supporting alliance (ARiL) became operational with its common project of a new hotline. Collective responsibility was formed with the goal of providing support to refugees and migrants who find themselves in precarious situations in Libya, and to document more systematically the human rights violations which people on the move are facing every day in Libya. More concrete: a daily shift plan with committed activists from various cities in Europe as well as the technical system with a WhatsApp number were created, while alarm plans were drafted including important information and contacts to be able to respond to requests.
Simultaneously the evacuation campaign for human rights defenders was further developed with meetings in municipalities, which are interested to join a transnational city alliance to receive and to welcome refugees from Libya. Another two-day event for the 31st of May and 1st of June 2024 is in preparation in Rome, while informal talks with more mayors and institutional actors in Italy, Spain and Germany have started.
During an antiracist conference in Frankfurt at the end of April 2024 the Mobile Exhibition from Refugees in Libya had its premiere. “Evacuate Human Rights Defender from Libya!” is the title of an impressive collage to amplify their voices and stories.
”They wanted to silence us. But […] we do not want to be silent. We keep fighting and defending our rights and the rights of others until we will be in a safe place.”
Three Human Rights Defenders from Refugees in Libya tell about their activism in one of the world’s most dangerous countries: they describe the organization of the 100-day protests in Tripoli, the violent crackdown by EU-supported militias, the 18 months of imprisonment and forced labor, the violent repression and their resistance to it. They talk about hunger strikes, poisoning, loyalty, hidden documentation, mutual support and their current situation in Libya. They are united by their collective struggle for protection and freedom, but also by the severe reprisals they face for their human rights activism, which also seems to exclude them from current evacuation processes.
This exposition is part of the Human Rights Defenders Evacuation campaign. It aims to contribute to the visibility of their legitimate human rights work and invites you to get involved.

The exhibition can be lent out for information events.
Contacts: refugeesinlibya@gmail.com / aril@riseup.net
RiL and ARiL