Mare Solidale, a sea of solidarity. Building on the lessons learned, what could a European rescue programme look like today?

A Proposal for the 8th Commission of the European Union
With the EU and its member states competing in a race to the bottom regarding human rights, this proposal aims at setting a counterpoint, by laying out an EU led rescue programme in the central Mediterranean sea. Saving lives at sea and receiving people in a humane way is possible, also at low costs and with broad support across the population. For this to become reality however, the EU and its member states must learn from past experiences instead of buying into racist narratives and creating border spectacles by forcing people into degrading circumstances.
This proposal draws lessons from the past, in order to understand why former programs have failed and how to overcome those flaws. It sheds light on the legal framework, proposing concrete mechanisms as well as laying out a cost estimate, showing that the EU can put an end to the loss of life at sea – if there is a political will.
The following organizations have lent their voices in support of the Mare Solidale proposal, advocating for a humane and effective EU-led rescue programme in the Mediterranean:
- Coalition for the El HIblu 3
- Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta)
- RAAH! Reality about Humanity
- MAEC – Mediterranean Aid Education Center
- Mediterranea Saving Humans
- Mission Lifeline
- MV Louise Michel
- r42 – Sail and Rescue
- SAR Malta Network
- Sea-Punks
- SOS Humanity
- United 4 Rescue
- Watch the Med Alarm Phone
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