1 January | Alarm Phone forwards a distress case to authorities and NGO‘s. With the help of Colibri 2 (Pilotes Volontaires) the Geo Barents (Médecins Sans Frontières) is the only ship which responds and rescues the 44 people (1). |
2 January | After Alarm Phone relayed the distress call from 41 people fleeing Libya a merchant vessel close by conducts the rescue. Later the better equipped Geo Barents takes over the people and gets the order to disembark the shipwrecked in Taranto, Italy, which is a 2 days journey away. |
7 January | Following an alert from Alarm Phone, the Geo Barents rescues 73 people from an overcrowded rubber boat. The same day, the Ocean Viking (SOS Mediteranée) rescues another 37 people. Both ships were immediately ordered after the rescue to disembark at an Italian port 3-4 days of navigation away (2)(3). |
24 January | Seabird 2 (Sea Watch) finds a 69 people on a rubber boat and relays the information to authorities and NGO’s (4). Geo Barents arrives first and rescues the group. |
25 January | The Geo Barents follows up on another 2 distress alerts from Alarm Phone (5)(6). With the help of Seabird 2, she rescues another 168 people. A third boat in distress relayed by Alarm Phone gets rescued by the Ocean Viking. Seabird 2 supports the rescue from above. |

Article published in Echoes#5