Lampedusa, picture taken in front of the hotspot, September 14, 2023. Credit: Maldusa EN – FR – DE – IT EN – Arrivals in Lampedusa: Solidarity and resistance in the face of Europe’s reception crisis! Following the arrival of a…

EN – FR – IT – DE Up to 600 people lost their lives in another avoidable shipwreck off the Greek coast in June 2023. As civil society, we are horrified by the preventable deaths in the Central Mediterranean sea…

Civil actors along the Central Mediterranean Date: July 2023

It makes a difference: a Diary of Rescue Coordination by Civil Actors in the Central Mediterranean Sea Alarm Phone received 57 distress calls from Libya. 22 of these have been rescued by NGO vessels (Sea Watch 3, Sea Watch 4,…

It makes a difference: a Diary of Rescue Coordination by Civil Actors in the Central Mediterranean Sea May was a very busy month for Alarm Phone (AP) and the Civil Fleet. AP has been alerted by 59 boats departing Libya.…

30 September – 1 October 2022 Due to the increasing number of deaths and disappearances at the EU borders, we propose a protest action in Brussels between different European organizations that have been defending the rights of people who migrate…

3 to 6 September 2022 Commemoraction is self-organizing of this mostly affected by the consequences of the border regime. We know from the history of all the struggles for finding the truth that death in the Mediterranean Sea, in the…

The criminalization of boat drivers in Italy ARCI Porco Rosso and Alarm Phone The criminalization of migration has been an important element in the context of the EU’s cruel border policies. A growing awareness of the scale and importance of…

The “ElHiblu 3” were among 108 people rescued by the merchant vessel ElHiblu 1 in March 2019. When facing the prospect of being illegally returned to Libya, the group of migrants protested and convinced the crew to steer north instead.…

In October 2021 – after brutal raids in a quarter of Tripoli – refugees and migrants started an amazing period of self-organized resistance in Libya. Against their permanent deprivation of rights and with the central demand for „evacuation now“ they…