Extend Infrastructures for Freedom of Movement!

More than 700 activists from North and West Africa and from all over Europe participated in the second Transborder summer camp near Nantes in France, which again, followed its motto „to build and to extend infrastructures for freedom of movement and equal rights“. It started with a vivid „no border fair” and during the next four days in the middle of July, more than 40 workshops and plenaries took place about several topics and questions on flight and migration.                                                                                       

The four days were characterized by a very productive and respectful atmosphere. The participants exchanged their manifold forms of solidarity on the routes as well as their daily struggles and campaigns against deportations and camps, against externalization and criminalization.

An impressive workshop was dedicated to CommemorAction, in which several relatives, who lost family members because of the EU border regime, presented their struggles for clarification, recognition and justice.

Drawing from George.tte.s
