1 May After Alarm Phone received and forwarded several distress calls to authorities and NGO‘s, the Geo Barents (Médecins Sans Frontières) is able to rescue 299 people from a huge overcrowded fishing vessel and 36 people from a small fiberglass boat. The civil aircraft Seabird 1 (Sea-Watch) supported the search and rescue from above (1).  
5 May The Aita Mari (Salvamento Maritimo Humanitario) found and assisted 6 little iron boats which fled Tunisia towards Lampedusa.  
16 May The Geo Barents rescues 26 people in a rubber boat after Alarm Phone relayed the distress call (2).  
17 May With the help of Colibri 2 (Pilotes Volontaires) the Louise Michel is able to rescue the 71 people who reached out to Alarm Phone before (3).  
26 May The Humanity 1 (SOS Humanity) rescues 88 people who called the Alarm Phone for help before (4).  
28 May On her way towards the Libyan coast the Geo Barents was requested to help rescue a 599 people boat on its way to Italy. The Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination center wasn‘t able to perform the rescue alone (5). The Sea-Eye 4 (Sea-Eye) rescues 17 people which have been spotted by Colibri 2 (6).  
29 May The sailing ship Nadir (RESQSHIP) rescues 22 people from a self made iron boat. A nearby fisher relayed the distress (7).  
30 May The crew of the Sea-Eye 4 spots and embarks safely 32 people from a wooden boat.  

Article published in Echoes#7 – Moving on.