1 June The Mare*Go performs her first rescue of 36 people who tried to reach Lampedusa. Italian authorities ordered to disembark the survivors in Trapani which is a day of sailing away. For not complying but instead disembarking the survivors at the nearest port of safety which was Lampedusa, the ship got detained for 20 days.  
2 June The Nadir rescues 2 people and assists several other boats around Lampedusa. Colibri 2 supports the operation from the sky. Further South the Life Support (Emergency) rescues 29 people which have been found by Seabird 2 while the Humanity 1 rescues 29 people who have called the Alarm Phone before.
12 June With the arial support of Seabird 2 the Geo Barents is able to rescue 38 people who had called the Alarm Phone for help before (1). The Aurora takes 39 people on board which have been stabilized by the Rise Above (Mission Lifeline) before. The Aurora gets detained 20 days for arbitrary reasons (2).
17 June The Open Arms responds to a distress case alerted via the Alarm Phone and rescues 117 people from a wooden boat.
19 June The Nadir rescues 36 people from an iron boat. A FRONTEX plane issued a mayday relay before.
21 June The Aita Mari (Salvamento Maritimo Humanitario) rescues 172 people from 4 iron boats which departed from Tunisia (3).  
24 June Alarm Phone forwarded the distress call of 14 people in distress. Seabird 1 spots the boat the next day and also observes a monitoring patrol boat from the Armed Forces of Malta. Later also the Merchant Vessel arrives on scene, but doesn‘t assist the people. Finally another day later, 2 days after the first alert the Geo Barents rescues the group. The 2 days of non-assistance by the Maltese authorities lead to the death of one person which went over board and to 13 survivors having another traumatic experience which could have been prevented (4).  
27 June Supported by Seabird 2, the Ocean Viking (SOS Mediteranée) rescues 82 people from a rubber boat fleeing Libya. The group reached out to Alarm Phone before.
28 June The Mare*Go assists 2 iron boats on their way to Lampedusa. Colibri 2 helps to coordinate from the air.
29 June Mare*Go rescues 41 people from a wooden boat which called the Alarm Phone before (5).  
30 June With the help of Colibri 2, Humanity 1 is rescuing 5 boats with a total of 199 people on board. The from Italy assigned port to disembark the survivors is Ortona, a 1300km journey (6).  

Article published in Echoes#7 – Moving on.