On 30 May 2024, another hearing in the El Hiblu 3 case took place in the courtroom in Valletta. The judge decided to dismiss the plea of the lawyers for lack of jurisdiction. In the session before the defenders of the El Hiblu 3 had argued that all the accused offenses took place outside of the territorial waters of Malta.

After this rejection, the lawyers directly submitted an appeal to the criminal court. It might need again several months before the next decision can be expected. Thus the limbo situation for Abdalla and Amara will continue.

Statement of the Coalition for the El Hiblu 3 on the 30th of May hearing

“The opportunity to finally end the farcical trial of the El Hiblu 3 was missed today at the court of Malta. After a short court session, it became clear that the case was not dismissed. We are appalled that Amara, Kader, and Abdalla will remain in legal limbo after more than five years.

Since they arrived in Malta in 2019, their lives have been put on hold. Their youth has been stolen. For acting as translators and mediators on the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1 and playing an important role in preventing the forced return of over 100 people to Libya, they continue to pay a very high price.

We have said it for years: clearly, they are neither criminals nor terrorists. They are defenders of human rights. Only weeks ago, in April 2024, the three received the Human Rights Defenders Award at the University of Malta. When presenting the three with the award, her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, the former President of Malta, stated:

“Their bravery and courage have been an inspiration to all Human Rights Defenders across the globe.”

That the three are still not free of the charges is devastating. The case that Amnesty International has condemned as a ‘travesty of justice’ is still not over.

We are now in the 6th year of this farce since Amara, Kader, and Abdalla first arrived in Malta in Spring 2019. That the case is still not dismissed and that they can still not live their lives in dignity and freedom is deeply shocking and troubling. It reveals so much about the ways in which people on the move are treated in Europe today – criminalized for having fled violence across borders.

We are devastated that our friends – Abdalla, Amara, and Kader – continue to face these baseless accusations after more than five years. The Attorney General insists on continuing with a trial, despite the lack of evidence. These three young men should be set free from this injustice and should be compensated for the years of life that the Maltese legal system has stolen from them.

This is a case that should have never been brought before the Maltese courts. These are unjust accusations against human rights defenders. We will continue supporting them, and we’re glad to see that this support keeps growing.

We will continue to stand beside them as they weather this cruel injustice. We will stand with the El Hiblu 3 as long as it takes and until they are free.“

El Hiblu3 support group