“The fight against impunity”

Interview with Allison West Senior Legal Advisor at European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)  Founded in 2007, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) is an independent, non-profit organization based in Berlin dedicated to making injustice…

The Libya-Crete Route (SAR 3.5)

The area around Darnah, Tobruk and the Libya-Egypt border region has been a departure place since several years. While it had paused for some years, there was an increase in 2023, when mostly big fishing vessels (250-700ppl/boat) started to depart…

The forgotten route of the Atlantic

Since 2018, the Atlantic route has witnessed a significant resurgence regarding departures and arrivals in the Canary Islands. This route encompasses a large area of West Africa, with most departures observed between the Gambia and Morocco along this extensive coastline…